
Water Rights Legal Notices

Water Use Permits for Use of Tribal Water Rights

New Uses

Lapwai Valley Wastewater Treatment Plant

has been issued a Water Use Permit to appropriate Tribal Water Rights from a groundwater well to supply water to staff for washing, bathrooms, break rooms, and drinking water.

Existing Uses

Any applicant, or any objector, including the Nez Perce Tribe or any department or agency, not satisfied with the issuance or non-issuance of a Water Use Permit shall request a hearing before the Nez Perce Tribal Water Rights Administration Commission and submit a filing fee within 20 calendar days of the closing period of public notice of issuance of the Water Use Permit.

Please contact Nez Perce Tribe Water Resources Division for further information or questions.

Water Rights

*Forms must be downloaded, saved as a pdf, then opened with Adobe to work correctly

Update Water Right Records

Change in Owner's Address or Contact Information

Use this form to notify Nez Perce Tribe’s Water Resources Division of changes to your mailing address, email, or telephone number.

Change in Water Use Permit Ownership

Use this form to notify Nez Perce Tribe’s Water Resources Division of a change in ownership for a Water Use Permit.


Complaint of Illegal Diversion or Use of Water

Use this form to notify Nez Perce Tribe’s Water Resources Division of a potential illegal diversion or use of water.

New Permit Application

Application for Permit for Use of Tribal Water Rights

Use this form to apply for a new Water Use Permit to use Tribal water rights.

Application for Well Drilling Permit

Use this form to apply for a new well drilling permit in order to construct a well.

Note that the permitting process from filing an application to receiving a permit to use Tribal water rights can take a substantial amount of time.

Please plan accordingly.

Proof a Water Right

Beneficial Use Field Report

Nez Perce Tribe Water Resources Division staff will use this form to verify that the Permittee is appropriating Tribal water rights in a manner consistent with the requirements of the Water Use Permit.

Well Driller's Report

Well drillers will use this form to verify that the constructed well meets the requirements of the Water Use and Well Drilling Permits.

Temporary Uses or Activity Exemptions

Short-term Activity Exemption

Use this form only if directed by Nez Perce Tribe Water Resources Division staff.

Temporary Water Appropriation

Use this form to request permission to appropriate Tribal water rights for a specified time of less than one year in an amount limited to less than 2 acre-feet.

Request a Hearing or an Appeal

Request a Hearing

Use this form to request a Hearing with the Nez Perce Tribal Water Rights Administration Commission to protest the issuance or non-issuance of a Water Use Permit.

Request an Appeal

Use this form to request an Appeal with the Nez Perce Tribal Court of Appeals to protest any final decisions or rulings of the Nez Perce Tribal Water Rights Administration Commission. RETURN THIS FORM DIRECTLY TO THE NEZ PERCE TRIBAL COURT OF APPEALS

Withdraw Protest & Hearing Request

Use this form to formally withdraw a protest and request for a Hearing with the Nez Perce Tribal Water Rights Administration Commission.

Water Rights Fees

Please make all checks payable to:
Nez Perce Tribe Water Resources Division

Update Water Right Records

Applications that propose both a diversion rate and a storage volume, determine each fee separately and pay the greater of the two.

Applications that propose diversion rates in both cubic feet per second and gallons per minute should also determine each fee separately and pay the greater of the two.