The following work was completed in 2023:
- Blue North Mill, Kamiah, ID: completed a Phase II ESA in August, October, and November that investigated surface soil, subsurface soil, groundwater, and soil vapor in the central operations and western areas of the site. This included:
- Surface soil testing in the western log yard and along abandoned rail spurs.
- Subsurface soil testing near areas of potential contamination, including a pressure wash pad, former log pond, former large diesel tank area, sewage lagoon, and the central mill area.
- Methane investigation in the former log pond.
- Drilled 11 boreholes and installed 5 monitoring wells.
- Sampled groundwater in 5 wells.
- Performed slug aquifer tests on two wells.
- Former Riverside (Husky) Sports, Orofino, ID:
- Completed a Phase I ESA in March.
- Completed a Phase II ESA in October and November that investigated subsurface soil, groundwater, and sub-slab soil vapor in the onsite building. This included:
- Subsurface soil testing near the large empty fuel tanks, fuel pumps, and former auto shop building.
- Drilled 5 boreholes and installed 5 monitoring wells.
- Sampled groundwater in 5 wells.
- Tested soil vapor from beneath the slab of the onsite building.
- Spalding Mill, Spalding, ID: Completed a geophysical survey in an area of a suspected underground storage tank. No tank was found, and the site is ready for redevelopment.
- TU-45, Orofino, ID: Initiated reuse planning meetings with Enterprises (for-profit business entity created by the Tribe).
- Fort Lapwai, Lapwai, ID: Evaluated asbestos abatement needs to support redevelopment of a former parade ground, tuberculosis ward, and boarding school area.
- Sites Inventory: Assembled known and potential brownfields sites into an updated inventory with an online map-based interface. Data sources included regulatory databases, public outreach, and legacy lists from different historical program staff.
The following work is anticipated in 2024:
- Preliminary reuse planning and stakeholder engagement related to Blue North Mill, Riverside Sports, and the TU-45 parcel.
- Outreach and prioritization of brownfields sites from the existing Sites Inventory.
- Phase I and II site assessment of the former Freedom Fitness in Lapwai, Idaho.
- The TRP will coordinate with EPA regarding site-specific funding needs, and potential resources to meet those needs, such as 128(a) or 104(k) funding.